2200 Prince of Wales Drive,Suite 401
Ottawa,ON K2E 6Z9
Tel: (613) 225-4400 Fax: (613) 319-0536

New Location:

1116 Wellington Street West, Ottawa, Ontario    K1Y 2Y7

Direction from the Ontario Court of Appeal

The Ontario Court of Appeal was busy the last two months providing important direction to the employment bar about the enforceability of non-competition agreements in the staffing environment (see  S. I. Systems Partnership v. Geng and insight on notice and break of service (see Currie v. Nylene Canada Inc., 2021 ONSC 1922 (CanLII), < ).  Both Trial Decisions were upheld..  

Duty of Fair Play and Honesty in Contractual Performance

Parties to a contract owe an obligation of honesty towards each other (Bhasin v. Hrynew, 2014 SCC 71).  They must not act capriciously or arbitrarily.  In the simplest of terms – parties must be honest during performance of a contract and not mislead each another.

Video Recordings and the Ontario Labour Relations Board

As the pandemic lingered and the state of emergency closed the Ontario courts and administrative systems we were forced to change the way trials and hearings proceeded.  This was a careful balancing act between the right to a hearing and the need to minimize the infection rate of COVID-19.

Changes to the Employment Standards Act of Ontario

Ontario has made significant and controversial changes to workplace legislation.  The bulk of these alterations came into effect January 2018.  Below is a summary of the changes to the Employment Standards Act as a consequence of the Fair Workplaces, Better Jobs Act,

Letters of Reference

Job references – how do you find work without one?  Employers know the best way to predict performance is past conduct.  References are fundamental to the hiring process.  

The Myth of the Probationary Period

The letter of offer or employment contract must set out the purpose of a probationary period including how performance will be evaluated; what happens if the Employee is unsuccessful;  and what will be paid on termination of employment?

Chantelle Crete v. Aqua-Drain Sewer Services Inc.

[1] This Application alleges discrimination with respect to employment because of sex and sexual solicitation or advances contrary to the Human Rights Code, R.S.O. 1990, c. H.19, as amended (the “Code”). The applicant did not name as respondents to this Application any of the individuals alleged to have subjected her to inappropriate and unwelcome comments and conduct of a sexual nature. Rather, the applicant alleges that the respondent failed to investigate and to respond to her complaints of sexual harassment and that she was subjected to a poisoned work environment. Finally, the applicant alleges that her termination was discriminatory and a reprisal for her complaints of sexual harassment.

When are Punitive Damages Appropriate?

Punitive damages are imposed only if there is highhanded, arbitrary or highly reprehensible conduct that departs to a marked degree from the ordinary standards of decent behaviour.

Exceptional Circumstances and Entitlement to Notice

Where there is no error in law or improper consideration notice periods are not limited to 24 months.  On the contrary, a consideration of the unique circumstances of the wrongfully dismissed worker may justify additional damages.

Mitigation Damages: Not every dollar earned reduces damages

Esther Brake may be the hardest working person in Ottawa.  She was sixty-two years old and Managed a Kanata McDonald’s while simultaneously holding down a part-time position as cashier at Sobey’s.  Ms. Brake was constructively dismissed when her Employer demanded she accept a demotion to First Assistant or leave.  After refusing the demoted position because it would be embarrassing and humiliating her  employment was terminated.